Monday, August 27, 2012

Organisational Behaviour

I have recently completed my first module for my MBA in Leadership and Sustainability through Robert Kennedy College and the University of Cumbria.  It was an interesting start to this journey, enhanced by the multi-cultural and multi-business background of the participants in the course.  The individual views of individuals in the course widely varied depending on their cultural background and geographical location.
The discussions often included individual’s examples and their personal experiences, bringing a different perspective to the subject matter.  The course material was interesting and there was plenty of it.  More material was introduced as the course progressed.  The structure that lead from leadership and general organisational behaviour, through communication and teams, while looking at human capital and the motivation and management styles encountered in organisations did not only make sense, it was practical and allowed an in depth analysis on the way about one’s own present and past businesses.
The consideration of culture and conflict management as part of the organisational structure, as well as the tools discussed like balanced scoreboard, SWOT analysis and McKinsey’s 7s analysis allowed for a detailed analysis of an organisation, leading to clearly defined solutions relevant to our daily business lives.
The Professor was knowledgeable and easily approachable both through the public forums and through private communication.
I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to become a leader, or a more effective leader.  The investment of both time and money is minimal compared to the outcomes gained from the experience.  Below is a summary of this particular course (as taken from the Robert Kennedy College online campus).  Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards


-- To focus on increasing the effectiveness of organisations and thus, of their members. 

-- To understand why people and groups in organisations feel and behave as they do. 

-- To identify principles that can improve the behaviour and attitudes of organisational members. 

-- To develop and enhance your skills as an organisational member and a manager. 


The course involves learning from a variety of sources - audio clips, slide presentations, textbook, lecture notes, case studies, and interaction with peers and faculty in the forums. 

The course aims to be an examination of research and theory on the forces underlying the way that the members of an organisation behave. Topics covered include the behaviour of work groups and supervisors, inter-group relations, employees’ goals and attitudes, problems in communication, the circumstances of change in an organisation, and the goals and design of an organisation. 


Please read the articles provided under the resource tab of this course to get a brief idea about the focus. Students can also avail of our e-library facilities to surf, and research for material. The faculty will also provide some online links for selected reading as and when required. 


All students are expected to participate regularly in the discussions taking place in the forums. A wide range of discussion is usually desired in these discussion forums. These areas are an interesting and informative way of interacting with peers and faculty. They also allow you to apply concepts learned in isolation to real life or personal experiences.